Tempat yang Disukai Anna
Surf Coffee X Flat is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

1. Surf Coffee X Flat

Маршала Бирюзова, 18, Moskwa, Москва
Warung Kopi · Щукино · 8 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Best coffee in town

Tartarbar is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

2. Tartarbar

Виленский пер., 15, St. Petersburg, Санкт-Петербург
Gastropub · Округ Смольнинское · 306 tips dan ulasan
Beiersdorf AG - Offices Wiesingerweg is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

3. Beiersdorf AG - Offices Wiesingerweg

Wiesingerweg 25, Hamburg, Hamburg
Kantor · Lokstedt · 4 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Amazing place to work 💙

CHAPEAU! is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.


Moorfurthweg 9, Hamburg, Hamburg
Restoran · Winterhude · 38 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Nice place to be with stunning view to the river and tasty food! 🤤

Your Place is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

5. Your Place

Chaweng road 101 (Beach near Sareeraya hotel), เกาะสมุย, จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี
Restoran Thailand · 20 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Great seafood, prawns and lobster in black pepper are amazing. And smoothies as well 😋

Trattoria Due da Enzo is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

6. Trattoria Due da Enzo

Großneumarkt 2 (Alter Steinweg), Hamburg, Hamburg
Trattoria · Neustadt · 29 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Perfect pasta with truffles & buratta!!! And nice service ❤️

Art cafe is one of Tempat yang Disukai Anna.

7. Art cafe

fisherman's village (Bo Phut), Bo Phut, Surat Thani
Tempat Sarapan · 42 tips dan ulasan

Anna M.Anna Mironova: Cool breakfasts, I tried eggs with salmon 🤤 and they also have soya and almond milk, for cappuccino! Try also brownie !