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Tempat yang Disimpan Danielle
Indian Delhi Palace is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Danielle.

1. Indian Delhi Palace

5104 E McDowell Rd (West of 52nd St), Phoenix, AZ
Restoran India · Camelback East · 30 tips dan ulasan
Sa Bai Modern Thai is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Danielle.

2. Sa Bai Modern Thai

4121 E Thomas Rd (at 42nd St.), Phoenix, AZ
Restoran Thailand · Camelback East · 28 tips dan ulasan
JT's Bar & Grill is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Danielle.

3. JT's Bar & Grill

4829 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ
Bar Selam · Camelback East · 16 tips dan ulasan

Danielle S.Danielle Sherman: If you don't know, now you know. One of the diviest of dives. Nicely priced and fantastic service. Food is A + as well. Your neighborhood bar at its finest. Check it out!!!