Halil Y. • Mei 10, 2019Once again an amazing vegan selection! There just isn’t enough space on my plate nor in my stomach to sample all the choices available #yummy
Sutz S. • April 26, 2010Vegetarian Heaven! Great Buffet and delicious Desserts! Make sure you make a Reservation... Sit back and enjoy!!
Thomas K. • Oktober 2, 2017Vegetarian food in a flower shop: sounds more crazy than it actually is. But it’s a nice lunch with food that is as good as buffet food can get.
Francesca V. • Mei 9, 2017Great buffet style vegetarian restaurant, it has a very ample selection of just about everything!
Sandra I. • Oktober 11, 2019Giant buffet with very tasty and diverse food!
Alessandro W. • April 1, 2018Great atmosphere and decor and - most of all - amazing dishes. I’m no vegetarian but I had a great experience. The food is made with great care, including the presentation. Would definitely come back.
frau.zartmint • Desember 14, 2013Tolles Angebot an vegetarischen Kreationen. Alles glutamatfrei und ohne künstliche Zusätze. Alles Bio und teilweise Demeter Qualiät! Leckerer Kaffee zu bezahlbaren Züricher Preisen.
Aña • Mei 6, 2017Super grosse Auswahl an veganen Speisen und Getränken. Zb habe ich viele neue Leckerein entdeckt (Dattel- und Pefferminzsirup, Currywurst, Linsenspiralnudeln, Käse). :-)
Yifan Y. • September 3, 2020They offer several meals to choose from during lunch hours. My favorite is the vegan chili with rice and guacamole.
Jovana K. • Maret 25, 2022The only good thing about this place is that it’s vegan and the staff is nice. Food is just not tasty. We are different ramens and mochi balls.
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