Amy C. • Juli 20, 2017Get a flight so you can try more than one flavor! The chocolate mudslide, Thai Collins, and watermelon frosé are amazing.
Kassandra H. • Maret 16, 2015Connects to Epic Pizza (pizza) and Mission Taco.
Balisong B. • Mei 12, 2018All the beers are excellent. The Katy is always a solid choice. Also love the Hibiscus Witt.
Riverfront Times • Agustus 14, 2014... kabobs (available with jerk chicken (ayam), beef or veggie), Red Stripe Porker (pork...
Joshua F. • April 10, 2019First come first serve seating. Has its own bar. Standing room tables, some couches. Very cool place to take in part of or all of the game.
Ben B. • September 15, 2012Von is the best bartender (pramutama bar)!
John S. • Juli 22, 2018The corned beef is excellent and also the potato (kentang) chips.
Riverfront Times • Oktober 26, 20112011 RFT Best of St. Louis Winner - Best Beer (bir) Selection in a Bar.
Brian F. • Agustus 29, 2018Great beer selection. Friendly service. Found my new favorite bar in this town!!
Matthew F. • Desember 28, 2018Outstanding dry ciders (cider) with great food in a historic atmosphere.
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