Amsterdam Light Festival - 'Illuminade' - 'The City of My Dreams' by OCUBO (Carole Purnelle/Nuno Maya), Portugal Baca selengkapnya.
Great start of a night. Do the tour, touch and smell. End up in the Mirror Bar, drinking a Holland House Baca selengkapnya.
I love the Children's Museum at the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam Baca selengkapnya.
Wist je dat de Molen van Sloten een nog functionerende poldermolen is, de enige voor het publiek toegankelijke molen in Amsterdam is en een lift bezit zodat iedereen op de stelling kan komen? Baca selengkapnya.
Information on the Dutch author Multatuli (1820-1887), writer of the famous novel Max Havelaar (1860). Baca selengkapnya.
"At the very top of the building, NEMO’s most visible attraction soars above the quay: a terraced roof free to enter and free for lounging. " - Amsterdam Magazine Baca selengkapnya.
"The collection enters the 20th century on the second floor. It’s here that handbags reach new levels of whimsy" Baca selengkapnya.
The museum is in a very nice neighbourhood called the Jordaan. The Jordaan is like a smalle village in the city with lovely cafes and restaurants.For more information about the museum and jordaan Baca selengkapnya.
"Because of the dark and cramped spaces, you are better off visiting on a quiet day, when the groups are smaller." Baca selengkapnya.
"Highlights include a riotous Filipino jeepney and a thoughtful history of the Dutch in Indonesia, from the spice trade to independence. " -Museum Check Baca selengkapnya.
Very unique dead and funeral museum. Information on website only in Dutch. Baca selengkapnya.
Friday nights: the museum is open until 22:00 every Friday night. Join in for a guided tour, enjoy the music and art or just meet friends and relax Baca selengkapnya.
The Dutch Resistance Museum tells the story of the Dutch people in Word War II. Baca selengkapnya.
In the museum the story is told of Abraham Willet (1825-1888) and his wife Louisa Willet-Holthuysen (1824-1895 Baca selengkapnya.