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- Todd JohnsonSeptember 26, 2017The views of Brno are good from here. The city and the hills are a site to see from the area around the castle.
- NisaOktober 27, 2015Superb landscape in autumn and a beautiful view of the city. The cafe on top is absolutely affordable and you get to see Brno from above.
- Arne SchmitzJanuari 22, 2015Nice Castle. However the whole thing is confusing: different tickets for castle exhibit, tower and kasematy. Castle and tower can be bought in the baroque pharmacy. Kasematy tickets in outside office.Suara positif 22 Nov 2024
- Маля ИвановаOktober 29, 2015обалденные виды с холма, умиротворённое спокойствие и замечательный винный ресторан со средневековой атмосферой наверху в крепости.
- Stefan SchubertMei 13, 2013The Czechoslovak army left Špilberk in 1959, putting to a definite end its military era. The following year, Špilberk became the seat of the Brno City Museum.
- Alerrandro CorreaApril 28, 2016Belo castelo do século 13. O museu da cidade de Brno fica dentro dele. Mas mesmo que não goste de museus, venha porque há belas vistas da cidade.
- Elena HrupinaSeptember 17, 2018Хорошая панорама на город, были в понедельник, все закрыто, даже то, что по идее должно работать
- this castle newer fell,no army ewer baten this castle. Must see the view from top amd visit old underground prison..let me know if u need a guide.
- Morgan DavisFebruari 27, 2013Well worth walking around the grounds, wonderful views o the city. Casements and Museum also fun and amazing for the admission price.
- Kristýna RichtrováNovember 19, 2016Did not visit it inside, but the outside area is very lovely. When the weather is nice you get to see the whole of Brno!
- Caroline GrimmAgustus 28, 2017O castelo, e si, não tem nada de especial. O especial é sua história, e as exposições do museu. Imperdível.
- Ben BaronDesember 19, 2016The views are worth the climb. Visit the watchtower and casemates. Fascinating history.
- Todd JohnsonSeptember 26, 2017The views are great, the most is worth seeing, the building itself, well, not much.
- Milan OndrášekJuni 11, 2015It's a must see for history lovers during city tour. Sometimes closed during events.
- Todd JohnsonSeptember 26, 2017The architecture is a disappointment to me. The courtyard is what I would think a prison yard may be like. The moat around the castle is interesting to walk around.
- Matej RaDesember 2, 2016Go there for Ignis Brunensis. Just talk to strangers. You'll see that the world is much friendlier than you thought.
- Grazyna OAgustus 13, 2016You need to have a few hours to walk around. Nice views of the city as well.
- Veronika PitrovaAgustus 11, 2013Check the exposition in the basement-interesting history of the prison in Spilberk.Political prisoners,how gestapo used it...etc.
- Velvet LionessSeptember 10, 2014Kalenin manzarasi cok guzel ama yolun sonuna dogru goreceginiz havuz ve gercekten yemyesil bir cennet.
- Petr DosoudilSeptember 15, 2015Amazing and beautiful place. I was there for Švédi nás nedostanou event and it was awesome. Nice castle and outstanding and romantic views over Brno.
- Oliver NovákOktober 30, 2012Po zboření nepoužívaného musea v roce 2103 se půda stala nositelem XY Tower, největší budovy v Evropské unii. Odkazovala ke sto let staré stavbě, které byla chloubou dobové developerské independence.
- liberalia 🇭🇺BA Világegyetemista (semmi érdekes)April 22, 2017Ne hagyd ki. Szep a kilatas, es a kazamata resz is kotelezo. Itt raboskodtak nagyjaink.
- Tereza CtvrtnickovaOktober 9, 2014Must see in Brno. Vystavy jak kdy, aktualni velka valka mne zklamala. Vyhled na Brno a okoli nadherny. Z kasemat az mrazi. A nejhezci je v noci :-)
- Alexandr Csécs-PrůšaMaret 24, 2017Takový hrad nehrad, v noci žel zamřížovaný a nedá se projít, lze ho jen obejít...
- pod nedobitnym hradem, moje mesto lezi..hrad nebyl nikdy dobit!!! skepni vezeni nutno vdet..v kazematech se da hrat super schovka s kamosema :-)))
- Court of MoraviaOktober 4, 2011Hrad je dominantou města Brna a přilehlý park je bezvadný pro larpy i pro pikniky. Jen si při kousku bagetu představte, že sdílíte místo se skřtčím dvorem, sídlícím vedle pevnosti přízraků...
- Michaela LuňáčkováMei 23, 2015Dominanta města, pro brnaky super misto na procházku i do prilehleho parku
- Jakub JaníkMaret 11, 2015Historicky monument, misto pro vystavy. Destinace pro zamilovane a romanticke duse. Zkratka #1
- Martin HalíkMei 18, 201218.00 Kat a blázen – soutěž pro děti – Rex18.45 Arma bravo – historický šerm Bravo team 19.30 Kat a blázen – soutěž pro děti – Rex20.15 Je libo španělskou botu? – skupina Sígřiatd.
- Vanesa VenglovičováFebruari 18, 2015Zamilovala jsem si pravidelné večerní prochajdy❤️ .. a v létě bych jinam běhat nešla 👌💪🙏