I've been but not the hubby....
Washington Monument is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

1. Washington Monument

2 15th St NW (btwn Constitution Ave NW & Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumen · Southwest Washington · 344 tips dan ulasan
Gedung Putih is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

2. Gedung Putih

(The White House)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Gedung Pemerintah · Northwest Washington · 512 tips dan ulasan
World War II Memorial is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

3. World War II Memorial

1750 Independence Ave SW (at 17th St SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumen · Southwest Washington · 160 tips dan ulasan
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

4. Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Pierre, SD
Taman · Tak ada tips atau ulasan
Niagara Falls State Park is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

5. Niagara Falls State Park

Prospect St (Riverway), Niagara Falls, NY
Taman Negara Bagian atau Provinsi · 170 tips dan ulasan
Golden Gate Bridge is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

6. Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Brg S, San Francisco, CA
Jembatan · 812 tips dan ulasan
McKinley Village Lodge is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

7. McKinley Village Lodge

Denali National Park, McKinley Park, AK
Hotel · 3 tips dan ulasan
Smithsonian American Art Museum is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

8. Smithsonian American Art Museum

800 G St. NW (8th and F Streets, NW), Washington, D.C.
Museum Seni · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 85 tips dan ulasan
Visitors Center is one of I've been but not the hubby.....

9. Visitors Center

3001 Connecticut Ave NW (at Smithsonian's National Zoo), Washington, D.C.
Informasi dan Layanan Turis · National Zoological Park · 8 tips dan ulasan