Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie
Jimmy's Food Store is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

1. Jimmy's Food Store

4901 Bryan St (at Fitzhugh Ave.), Dallas, TX
Toko Hidangan Istimewa · 108 tips dan ulasan

EaterEater: Besides being an Italian market and deli, Jimmy's is home to some of the best damn sandwiches this city has to offer. Order up an Italian Stallion or a Cuban and an espresso shot or glass of red wine.

The LOT is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

2. The LOT

7530 E Grand Ave (Gaston & Garland), Dallas, TX
Taman Bir · 38 tips dan ulasan
Cock and Bull Pub is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

3. Cock and Bull Pub

6330 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX
Bar Selam · 36 tips dan ulasan
3Thirty3 is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

4. 3Thirty3

333 Bayside Dr (at Pacific Coast Hwy), Newport Beach, CA
Bar · Bayside · 46 tips dan ulasan
Linger is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

5. Linger

2030 W 30th Ave (btwn 16th St & Umatilla St), Denver, CO
Restoran Amerika Baru · Highland · 243 tips dan ulasan
Williams & Graham is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

6. Williams & Graham

3160 Tejon St (at 32nd Ave), Denver, CO
Bar Koktail · Highland · 96 tips dan ulasan
Yogurtland is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

7. Yogurtland

7700 West NorthWest Highway, #220, #220, Dallas, TX
Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut · 27 tips dan ulasan

ChanteChante: Try the Pumpkin Pie for a limited time.

National Museum of Crime & Punishment is one of Tempat yang Disimpan Valerie.

8. National Museum of Crime & Punishment

575 7th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Museum · Penn Quarter · 58 tips dan ulasan

HISTORYHISTORY: On April 1 1845, Samuel Morse opened the world's first telegraph office on this location. Messages were sent in a coded alphabet consisting of electronic dots & dashes which became known as Morse Code