"Dizzy all the way - triple chocolate mousse cake, black and white cookie, and stracciatellagelato. #ritzcarlton #24hourfoodgeek Follow us at http://24hourfoodgeek.com"
"One hot dish - 16oz grilled ribeye, smoked goods potato purée, cauliflower, asparagus, and a Cabernet Demi glaze. #ritzcarlton #24hourfoodgeek Follow us at http://24hourfoodgeek.com"
"Giggle juice intermezzo - bourbonfig, burnt orange sorbet, and smoked sea salt. #ritzcarlton #24hourfoodgeek #soireenoir Follow us at http://24hourfoodgeek.com"
"A Fine how-do-you-do - striped lobster ravioli, lemonfennel nage, tempuraseaweed, and a petit herb salad #ritzcarlton #24hourfoodgeek Follow us at http://24hourfoodgeek.com"