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Lihat semua daftar di Chapel Hill 6 tempat yang diperbarui Mei 22, 2016
6 tempat termasuk Dashi, Heavenly Buffaloes, Pelican's SnoBalls, Burger Bach
1 tempat yang diperbarui
1 tempat termasuk Mebane Bookstore
26 tempat yang diperbarui
26 tempat termasuk Café Eleven, Lime & Basil, Bowl & Naan, Tanger Outlets Mebane
Daftar Reefa Daftar Buatan Reefa Daftar yang Diikuti Reefa
"Everything!! Cuban Panini and Turkey Panini a definite must try!"
· St. Augustine, Amerika Serikat
"Breakfast Amazing.. Lunch Amazing!! I am upset we didn't discover this place sooner. Cuban Sandwich on a scale of 1 - 10 it's a 20!"
· St. Augustine, Amerika Serikat
8.3 "Love the Pho !!! Number 6 is my favorite!!"
Masakan Vietnam
· Chapel Hill, Amerika Serikat
"Wow!! Super impressed. Food is good and clean . Clean as in you won't have that nasty greasy bloated feeling. Meals are priced well . I'll definitely be coming back. Picture is the aftermath! Lol"
Masakan India
· Burlington, Amerika Serikat
"Finally a real DD & not an express.. I agree can be slow at times but it's the only one for miles. Vanilla Chai tea is made good too."
· Mebane, Amerika Serikat
5.9 "Eric D . Is holding down The Rush mayorship heaaaavy!! We gotta over throw em hahaha!!"
· Burlington, Amerika Serikat