"Yes, loved Heaven the last time I was in London! - Plan on Visiting again when I go back in April. - Nice Large Place, yet cosy! - Lots of Friendly People. - Good Gay Club!"
"Used to Frequent it after Night Clubbing in the George! - For all the Gay Boys over 18! - Meet a Guy, have Sex if you wish! - Tanning Booth, Jacuzzi, Steamroom, Solarium, Private Rooms & Snackbar!"
"Well it's Cheap, but some of the Staff probably can't be trusted, as a bag of mine was torn! - Female Jealousy, due to me mentioning the Handsome Male who works at Reception, on my Twitter Profile!"
"Yes, was outside Last Year well dressed, but people were going in Jumpers/Sweaters and Jeans! - So I didn't go in! - This year just took a Photo during the Daytime! - I RECOMMEND BECAUSE IT'S TRENDY!"