Lihat semua daftar di Nashville
Lihat semua daftar di Hilton Head
Lihat semua daftar di Lexington
Lihat semua daftar di Ashland 10 tempat yang diperbarui
10 tempat termasuk Meadowthorpe Cafe, Kahunas Island Bar & Grill, Joe Bologna's Pizza, Butt Rubb BBQ
7 tempat yang diperbarui
7 tempat termasuk Hornsby's Kitchen, Dairy Queen, Buffalo Wild Wings, Texas Roadhouse
Daftar Ryan Daftar Buatan Ryan Daftar yang Diikuti Ryan
"Get the lamb !"
Masakan Amerika Baru
· Nashville, Amerika Serikat
8.6 "The carnitas taco is huge but so damn good. And the salsa is amazing."
Masakan Meksiko
· Hilton Head Island, Amerika Serikat
7.2 "Don't tell me you'll do something and when I waste gas and time to drive all the way over there tell me you don't do what you said you would. Worthless."
Perangkat Keras
· Lexington, Amerika Serikat
7.6 "The nachos are AMAZING!"
· Lexington, Amerika Serikat
7.7 "I think some people think that when the light is on that ALL doughnuts are hot and fresh, its only the plain glazed."
· Lexington, Amerika Serikat
8.1 "This place is great! Three hours into my stay and I've already snorted free crack off a hooker's ass. It does smell strange in here though."
· Ashland, Amerika Serikat