Important Reminder:Aplikasi Foursquare City Guide secara resmi akan berakhir pada tanggal 15 Desember 2024, dengan versi web menyusul di awal tahun 2025. Namun, perjalanan check-in Anda tidak berakhir di sini! Bergabunglah dengan kami di Swarm, di mana petualangan baru menanti.
"The best thin crust pizza in Northern New Jersey. They also make a mean peppers and eggs sandwich. Be prepared to wait 45 minutes. The place hasn't changed a bit in 50 years."
"The best restaurant in Northern New Jersey. They have great pizza and all their I suggest the sausage and potatoes. If you get a pizza get the sausage and garlic pizza. to die for."
"Great hot dogs. You think that you are in a Soprano's episode. Hey, Paulie Walnuts. Wher e the helluv you been. Hey forgetabotit. Give me another hot dog."