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"The NKLA Pet Adoption Center is now open! Come visit us from noon-8 p.m. every day!"
Penampungan Hewan
· Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat
"Stop by and sign up to receive low cost spay/neuter vouchers !"
Penampungan Hewan
· Salt Lake City, Amerika Serikat
8.0 "Don't forget your wallet so that you can spoil your pets by bringing home some of the fun pet supplies and Best Friends logo gear for sale. All proceeds go back to the animals!"
Penampungan Hewan
· Salt Lake City, Amerika Serikat
"Stop by Sugar House coffee just next door for a refreshing beverage or vegan treat !"
Penampungan Hewan
· Salt Lake City, Amerika Serikat
8.0 "We're offering Dogtown tours now! Ask about it at the Welcome Center."
Penampungan Hewan
· Kanab, Amerika Serikat
"New special! Check in at the Best Friends sanctuary, and visit the welcome center for your special gift !"
Penampungan Hewan
· Kanab, Amerika Serikat