Joe E

Joe E


I'm a Network Engineer and IT Architect by day, a geek-tech composer/rockstar/ham-radio-hacking/photographer/author by night.

Traverse City, MI
  • 13 Tips
  • 73 Pengikut
  • 98 Mengikuti
  • 7 Daftar
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  • Chicago
  • Traverse City
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Kota Teratas Joe
1 Daftar Dibuat
Traverse City
2 Daftar Dibuat · 12 Tips
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Daftar Terbaru Joe
Joe E
8 tempat yang diperbarui Mei 4, 2013
8 tempat termasuk Shedd Aquarium, Ras Dashen Ethiopian Restaurant, The Art Institute of Chicago, 360 CHICAGO
Joe E
1 tempat yang diperbarui Februari 8, 2013
1 tempat termasuk Jinetes
Joe E
1 tempat yang diperbarui Juni 11, 2012
1 tempat termasuk Casa de Floresta
Joe E
7 tempat yang diperbarui September 12, 2011
7 tempat termasuk Right Brain Brewery, Brady's Bar, Sail Inn, That'sa Pizza
Joe E
11 tempat yang diperbarui
11 tempat termasuk Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, The State Theatre, North Bar Lake
Joe E
57 tempat yang diperbarui
57 tempat termasuk Jamba Juice, Museum of Science and Industry, Rangoli, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center (JPAC)
    Tips Terbaru Joe
    "So, I'm using a urinal, & I hear the other toilet flush. Before it stops Flushing, the door opens and I look to my left in time to see a cook almost sprinting into thekitchen. Nope, no handwashing."
    Joe EJoe E · Mei 6, 2014
    Masakan Perancis
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat
    "Good luck with wireless. Doesn't give out ip addresses. Nearby ssids do, but lack internet access. Must be a retro thing."
    Joe EJoe E · Mei 5, 2014
    Warung Kopi
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat
    "Try a calzone!"
    Joe EJoe E · November 2, 2013
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat
    "If you make it in time for breakfast you can ask the person at the grill for omelets, scrambles, pancakes, all made to order with what you want in/on them. Pretty awesome. :)"
    Joe EJoe E · September 24, 2013
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat
    "Live in TC? End of September? 36 degrees outside? Need a hat? Sorry. "Seasonal item" here at meijer. Glad they know their market."
    Joe EJoe E · September 16, 2013
    Pasar Swalayan
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat
    "Bet you have your heart set on popcorn, right? Sorry. Not an actual popcorn machine in the place. Pre-packaged commercial flavored convenience store popcorn. Sad."
    Joe EJoe E · Juli 10, 2013
    Bola Kasti
    · Traverse City, Amerika Serikat