Dicky Firmanzah

Dicky Firmanzah

Surabaya, East Java - Indonesia
  • 6 Tips
  • 27 Pengikut
  • 47 Mengikuti
  • 10 Daftar
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Daftar Terbaru Dicky
Dicky Firmanzah
4 tempat yang diperbarui September 12, 2014
4 tempat termasuk Bakwan dan Pangsit Pak Edy, Bakso Pak Kus, Bakso Solo Rindu Malam, Bakso Ruwet
Dicky Firmanzah
13 tempat yang diperbarui November 9, 2021
13 tempat termasuk Pecel Lele Cak Di Nganjuk, Es Teler Pacar Keling & Bakso "Pak No", Nasi Cumi, Mie Mapan
Dicky Firmanzah
3 tempat yang diperbarui November 10, 2021
3 tempat termasuk Gorengan Girang, Pisang Goreng Kipas Liliana, Angkringan Japemethe
Dicky Firmanzah
4 tempat yang diperbarui Juli 20, 2014
4 tempat termasuk Depot Slamet, Depot Mie Remaja, Chinesse Food Pecindilan, Depot Pak Bas 2
Dicky Firmanzah
5 tempat yang diperbarui Juni 30, 2014
5 tempat termasuk Gramedia Expo, Toko Buku Murah Online, Kampoeng Ilmu, Gramedia
Dicky Firmanzah
18 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 30, 2014
18 tempat termasuk Angkringan BD, Angkringan Kampoeng, Warkop Stadion, Warkop Rough
    "The coffee is good.. Wide space.. Big screen and free wifi.. Cocok buat nongkrong sm temen2 maupun sendiri.. Ada smoking n non smoking room.. Ada colokannya pula.. Banyak sofanyaa.. Super cozy!!!"
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Agustus 1, 2013
    Warung Kopi
    · Surabaya, Indonesia
    "Tempat yg lumayan buat cangkruk.. Murah meriah.. Bagus jg kl mo bikin gig nobar ato band2an.."
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Juli 31, 2013
    Warung Kopi
    · Surabaya, Indonesia
    "Cozy, affordable, nice place to hang out with some friends, or ur date.. Biasanya ada nobar juga.. Ginger beer is recomended.."
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Juli 2, 2013
    · Surabaya, Indonesia
    "The price is reasonable, the place is cozy. Perfect place to hang out with some friends!!"
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Juni 9, 2013
    · Indonesia
    "The black coffee is good (keeping you up all night long!), so many choices of beverages and foods, and the price is cheap.."
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Maret 18, 2013
    · Indonesia
    "The specialty here is that we can get as much water as we want for free from the 'kendi'. The water is cold and refreshing. The waiter is funny and the black coffee is good."
    Dicky FirmanzahDicky Firmanzah · Agustus 22, 2012
    Warung Kopi
    · Surabaya, Indonesia