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Elily Hexen

Elily Hexen


Moscow, 48
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Kota Teratas Elily
1 Daftar Dibuat
2 Daftar Dibuat · 9 Tips
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Elily Hexen
3 tempat yang diperbarui November 9, 2021
3 tempat termasuk 4pokoje, Super Panda Circus, SKØG Urban Hub
Elily Hexen
6 tempat yang diperbarui Oktober 29, 2018
6 tempat termasuk Champagneria, Parlour, AghaRTA Jazz Centrum, Charlie vínko
Elily Hexen
29 tempat yang diperbarui Maret 16, 2019
Om du vill ha en god kopp kaffe.
Elily Hexen
2 tempat yang diperbarui
2 tempat termasuk Lasagna Mia, IF Café
Elily Hexen
7 tempat yang diperbarui
7 tempat termasuk Cukrárna Myšák, Kavárna co hledá jméno, Momoichi Coffetearia, mamacoffee
    Tips Terbaru Elily
    "Skvělá luxusní kavárna a restaurace, která má odpovídající statusu kvalitu, ceny a obsluhu, což bylo velmi příjemné a neočekávané. Doporučuju kávu a Pinot Nour, již dávno jsem měla tak dobré víno!"
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Juni 2, 2019
    · Praha, Ceko
    "I really enjoyed coffee here and the atmosphere! However, the staff was quite slow, which could be explained by lack of customers, but I personally expected a bit more from such a place."
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Juni 2, 2019
    "A bit higher prices, which could be explained by a long history of the place.However,coffee is great and their ice cream Myšák is something outstanding.Looks clean and classy, perfect for late coffee."
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Maret 2, 2019
    Pencuci Mulut
    · Praha, Ceko
    "Letka je dobra kavárna s velmi hezkým prostředím. Chutnal mi humus, což se nestává často. Měli jsme jenom jeden problém: udělala jsem rezervaci, ale na ni zapomněli. Však pro nás rychle našli místo."
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Desember 2, 2018
    · Praha, Ceko
    "Liked this place! I’m not into loft style, but this manufacture looked really great. And of course, good coffee. Nothing extra special about cakes, but they were still tasty. Btw, it is closed now."
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Maret 21, 2018
    · Praha, Ceko
    "Yeah, this place is amazing, but we came here once almost 1,5h before closing. And the staff didn’t let us in, which was quite disappointing, because we made all the way there."
    Elily HexenElily Hexen · Maret 21, 2018
    · Praha, Ceko