Lihat semua daftar di Birmingham
Lihat semua daftar di Sutton Coldfield Faheem belum mengikuti siapa pun.
Muat Lainnya
1 tempat yang diperbarui
1 tempat termasuk Urban Coffee Company
31 tempat yang diperbarui
31 tempat termasuk Holiday Inn Express, International Convention Centre (ICC), Hunterian Museum, Dishoom
Daftar Faheem Daftar Buatan Faheem Daftar yang Diikuti Faheem
"Delicious food and the service is impeccable, very polite and attentive staff ! Would recommend to anyone."
· Birmingham, Kerajaan Inggris
"The atmosphere is only matched by the food! Great tasting sushi and a big selection. Very enthusiastic and friendly staff , would definitely recommend!"
· Birmingham, Kerajaan Inggris
7.7 "Their starters/Indian street food is great! Would visit again"
Masakan India
· Birmingham, Kerajaan Inggris
7.6 "Great service, great quality food! Would recommend to anybody ✌🏾️"
Masakan Brazil
· Uxbridge, Kerajaan Inggris
7.6 "Great value for good food"
Masakan Mediterania
· Manchester, Kerajaan Inggris
7.8 "Great coffee ! Friendly staff !"
Warung Kopi
· Sutton Coldfield, Kerajaan Inggris