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Lihat semua daftar di Chelsea Glen belum memiliki pengikut.
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Glen belum mengikuti siapa pun.
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1 tempat yang diperbarui September 23, 2021
1 tempat termasuk Barcelona Restaurant & Bar
0 tempat yang diperbarui
0 tempat
8 tempat yang diperbarui
8 tempat termasuk The Waterfront Fishouse Restaurant, The Matador, The Rockhill Grille, J & J Seafood Bar
Daftar Glen Daftar Buatan Glen Daftar yang Diikuti Glen
"The local seafood is amazing!"
Hidangan laut
· Oban, Kerajaan Inggris
8.3 "Out of business??"
Warung Kopi
· Mt. Dora, Amerika Serikat
"Like the nice Jamaican guy said to me the time my breakfast rolled across the floor, "scone man, scone ." It's gone. Replaced by the bistro ."
Ruang Teh
· Mt. Dora, Amerika Serikat
"Fees??? I complained about the “fees” and they took off the $7 they were planning to charge me for using a credit card. 20% tip is typical in Miami. Undercooked risotto , great atmosphere."
Masakan Italia
· Miami Beach, Amerika Serikat
8.5 "Guacamole . Chili Rellenos . Margaritas ."
Masakan Meksiko
· Boise, Amerika Serikat
7.5 "Amazing! Guacamole , delicious. Chili Rellenos , incredible!"
Masakan Meksiko
· Boise, Amerika Serikat