Roxy Plaza Hotel

Roxy Plaza Hotel


Hotel Roxy Plaza is an exclusive 4-star hotels in Soave, located just outside the Scaliger Castle walls; a modern structure with meeting rooms near Verona.

  • 0 Tips
  • 90 Pengikut
  • 223 Mengikuti
  • 2 Daftar
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Muat Lainnya
Roxy Plaza Hotel
68 tempat yang diperbarui
68 tempat termasuk Trattoria Da Amedeo, Centro Commerciale San Bonifacio, Jack The Ripper, Palazzo Del Capitano
Roxy Plaza Hotel
4 tempat yang diperbarui
4 tempat termasuk Teatro Nuovo, Regent ****, Principe di Savoia, Soave
    Roxy Plaza belum meninggalkan tips apa pun.