Jenny Maughan

Jenny Maughan


She adored New York City. She romanticized it all out of proportion.

New York, NY
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  • 50 Pengikut
  • 54 Mengikuti
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  • New York
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New York
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Jenny Maughan
36 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 15, 2014
36 tempat termasuk Jane, Elephant & Castle, PDT (Please Don't Tell), Restaurant Marc Forgione
Jenny Maughan
0 tempat yang diperbarui
0 tempat
Jenny Maughan
67 tempat yang diperbarui
67 tempat termasuk Employees Only, Pocos, Country Pancake House, The Cellar at Beecher's
    Jenny belum meninggalkan tips apa pun.