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Lihat semua daftar di College Park Lakkia belum memiliki pengikut.
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3 tempat termasuk Malone's Steak & Seafood, China Wok, Happy Buddha
Daftar Lakkia Daftar Buatan Lakkia Daftar yang Diikuti Lakkia
"EVERYTHING literally! My fiancé works here and we eat here all the time. Words can't explain just GO! You have to find out for yourself."
Warung Steak
· East Point, Amerika Serikat
7.4 "The shrimp egg foo yung is great and so is the house egg foo yung. I love their fried rice . The surrounding restaurants have a hard time getting the rice 's flavor right. I eat here all the time. <3 it"
Masakan Cina
· Atlanta, Amerika Serikat
"They have excellent service and they're fast. They have large portions . I eat here almost everyday. My favorite is the shrimp egg foo yung"
Masakan Cina
· College Park, Amerika Serikat