Mary Alice S

Mary Alice S


Looking for doggie friendly places, the best live music, the greenest park trails, and a decent breakfast nook with everflowing coffee

Austin, TX
  • 17 Tips
  • 47 Pengikut
  • 57 Mengikuti
  • 7 Daftar

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Kota Teratas Mary Alice
Cedar Park
1 Daftar Dibuat
San Antonio
1 Daftar Dibuat · 5 Tips
1 Daftar Dibuat · 10 Tips
1 Tips
Whites City
1 Tips
Daftar Terbaru Mary Alice
Mary Alice S
40 tempat yang diperbarui Oktober 24, 2019
40 tempat termasuk Pease District Park, EZ's Brick Oven & Grill, Capital City Dog Training, El Arroyo
Mary Alice S
60 tempat yang diperbarui
60 tempat termasuk Trailer Food Tuesday's @ the Long Center, The Salt Lick, Old Oak, Gourdough's
Mary Alice S
324 tempat yang diperbarui
324 tempat termasuk University Car Wash, The Red Fox Inn, Loro, Alamo Cafe
Daftar Mary AliceDaftar Buatan Mary AliceDaftar yang Diikuti Mary Alice
Tips Terbaru Mary Alice
"great selection of coffee"
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · September 13, 2021
Warung Kopi
· Austin, Amerika Serikat
"Very cool. Very interesting."
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · Juni 22, 2021
· Ciudad de Panamá, Panama
"not authentic LOL, but their cheese makes everything better"
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · Januari 20, 2020
Masakan Meksiko
· Austin, Amerika Serikat
"great variety very clean"
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · Januari 20, 2020
Masakan Cina
· San Antonio, Amerika Serikat
"They had great variety of seafood, fish, sushi, fried noms, pork chops, fruits, and salad items. Senior and other discounts. pay at door first. I have a sensitive tummy and never get sick here"
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · Januari 20, 2020
Masakan Cina
· San Antonio, Amerika Serikat
"For breakfast tacos, try the sausage and egg. It's made with their bbq sausage."
Mary Alice SMary Alice S · Oktober 16, 2019
· Austin, Amerika Serikat