Lihat semua daftar di Chicago
Lihat semua daftar di Cincinnati Megan belum memiliki pengikut.
Muat Lainnya
Megan belum mengikuti siapa pun.
Muat Lainnya
3 tempat yang diperbarui
3 tempat termasuk New India Restaurant, Babas Shwarma Grill, Miami Whitewater Forest
7 tempat yang diperbarui
7 tempat termasuk Cancun Mexican Restaurant & Cantina, Thai Namtip, Target, Bucketheads
Daftar Megan Daftar Buatan Megan Daftar yang Diikuti Megan
"Nashville chicken is excellent!"
Masakan Amerika
· Cincinnati, Amerika Serikat
7.4 "The portion sizes are huge--most are for 2 people at least! They also have free popcorn !"
· Cincinnati, Amerika Serikat
5.9 "Make sure to note what's on sale and where you found it--when you get to the checkout counter no one knows what's on sale and what's not and they are not interested in finding the item to double check"
Toko Seni dan Kerajinan
· Cincinnati, Amerika Serikat
7.5 "Orange chicken is excellent--huge portions"
Masakan Cina
· Chicago, Amerika Serikat