Nick Kallen

Nick Kallen


San Francisco, CA
  • 9 Tips
  • 375 Pengikut
  • 104 Mengikuti
  • 55 Daftar

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Kota Teratas Nick
2 Tips
1 Tips
Sherman Oaks
1 Tips
1 Tips
New York
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1 Tips
Daftar Terbaru Nick
Nick Kallen
874 tempat yang diperbarui
874 tempat termasuk K-moon, Le Renard Bar, Yikou, Bulma
Nick Kallen
91 tempat yang diperbarui
91 tempat termasuk Bon Kushikatsu, 胡麻豆腐 濱田屋, Mardin Çorba Salonu, Hank Burger
Daftar NickDaftar Buatan NickDaftar yang Diikuti Nick
Tips Terbaru Nick
"This is a tofu factory — they make a special tofu with arrowroot and sesame that has the texture of cheese. When I was there they had one sweet and one savory dish to try."
Nick KallenNick Kallen · November 20, 2017
Masakan Jepang
· 高野町, Jepang
"A pretty good selection of small plates in addition to pressed sandwiches. A very young and hip crowd on Friday night."
Nick KallenNick Kallen · April 17, 2017
Toko Sandwich
· Paris, Prancis
"This place is absolutely delicious. The Mlawi is a wrap with scrambled egg, canned tuna, olives, tomato paste, harissa. Ridiculously cheap."
Nick KallenNick Kallen · November 15, 2016
Masakan Timur Tengah
· Paris 11 Popincourt, Prancis
"I would skip the nachos, which are made from Doritos and Pace Picante Sauce. Chicken salad was good, though."
Nick KallenNick Kallen · Agustus 11, 2016
· Kopenhagen, Denmark
"Get the grape juice aloe drink -- trust me"
Nick KallenNick Kallen · Maret 22, 2016
Makanan Impor
· New York City, Amerika Serikat
"An old-timey cafe with a beautiful interior. The filtered coffee (no espresso) is very good, but the roasts are darker than what is fashionable these days. It's not expensive for Kyoto. Decent sandos."
Nick KallenNick Kallen · Juli 9, 2015
Warung Kopi
· Kyoto, Jepang