Paul Ark

Paul Ark


Shanghai, China
  • 276 Tips
  • 583 Pengikut
  • 507 Mengikuti
  • 28 Daftar
Daftar Paul di Semua Kota
  • Shanghai
  • Pathum Wan
  • Bangrak
  • Hong Kong
  • Beijing
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Kota Teratas Paul
6 Daftar Dibuat · 32 Tips
Pathum Wan
5 Daftar Dibuat · 33 Tips
8 Daftar Dibuat · 8 Tips
Hong Kong
1 Daftar Dibuat · 11 Tips
12 Tips
Muat Lainnya
Muat Lainnya
Daftar Terbaru Paul
Paul Ark
2 tempat yang diperbarui Februari 28, 2015
2 tempat termasuk Suriyan Chandra, Wat Umong
Paul Ark
2 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 30, 2013
2 tempat termasuk Bai Yun, Kowloon (เกาลูน) 九龍
Paul Ark
14 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 26, 2013
14 tempat termasuk Roosevelt Prime Steak House, 小山 Koyama, 狠牛 Bull Noodle, The Grumpy Pig
Paul Ark
3 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 26, 2013
3 tempat termasuk Hemingways Nairobi Hotel, Roosevelt Prime Steak House, El Gaucho
Paul Ark
12 tempat yang diperbarui Mei 17, 2014
12 tempat termasuk Radi Café, Coffee Beans by Dao, After You, Angelini
Paul Ark
6 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 28, 2013
6 tempat termasuk Rocket Coffeebar, Mr. Pancake | 松饼先生, Karmakamet Diner, Madison
    Tips Terbaru Paul
    "Hands down the best airport lounge I've ever spent time in. Incredibly spacious seating areas. Enormous buffet spread with incredible food. Fully stocked bar. Luxurious spa and shower facilities."
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · September 2, 2016
    · Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab
    "Food is so-so. Service is excruciatingly slow. 45 min for okonomiyaki during off-peak hours is unacceptable"
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · September 6, 2015
    Masakan Jepang
    · คลองเตย, Thailand
    "All style, little substance. Food presentation is unique, but taste is unremarkable and portion size is like a small appetizer. Had to have a 2nd meal right after."
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · September 6, 2015
    · วัฒนา, Thailand
    "The check-in lines are always too long and too slow. Budget enough time so you don't miss your flight."
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · Agustus 31, 2015
    · Tân Bình, Vietnam
    "Old Town is an absolutely waste of time & money. Mostly shops hawking mass-produced, over-priced tourist crap, Internet cafes, or restaurants serving Western food."
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · Agustus 30, 2015
    · Vietnam
    "Check in, immigration, and security screen is incredibly slow and inefficient. Budget your time accordingly! Also, the airport wifi is pathetic."
    Paul ArkPaul Ark · Juli 30, 2015
    Bandara Internasional
    · Tân Bình, Vietnam