16 tempat yang diperbarui Januari 12, 2019
16 tempat termasuk Zylberschtein's Delicatessen & Bakery, Hello Robin, Bakery Nouveau, Princi
9 tempat yang diperbarui April 26, 2018
Places to visit while having fun in Frelard
10 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 26, 2017
A list of Pho places Yaeka hasn't been to, but should check out because she loves Pho!
Notes: Pho Aroma left off due to lack of veggie pho; Pho Bac, Ba Bar, Bol, and Vinason are pricey
18 tempat yang diperbarui September 3, 2017
A full day of walking, eating, drinking, and fun in Seattle. Approximately 8 miles or 6 hours of walking.
18 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 22, 2016
Places to grab a good lunch in/near Pioneer Square.
7 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 30, 2017
7 tempat termasuk Machine House Brewery, Peddler Brewing Company, Reuben's Brews, Black Raven Brewing Company