47 tempat yang diperbarui Agustus 18, 2019
The sequel to the "Herbivore" list because Foursquare had an error.
104 tempat yang diperbarui Agustus 17, 2019
“Everyone who does not live in Berlin lives in Brooklyn now.”―Don DeLillo
87 tempat yang diperbarui November 9, 2021
For when I move to "Little America"
15 tempat yang diperbarui Oktober 4, 2018
171 tempat yang diperbarui Agustus 18, 2019
"I have nothing to compare the new Brooklyn to because, to be honest, I never really knew the old Brooklyn." — Anthony Bourdain, "No Reservations"
115 tempat yang diperbarui Mei 10, 2019
Pups gotta pup.