Seyma Soylu

Seyma Soylu


Queens, NY
  • 1 Tips
  • 381 Pengikut
  • 310 Mengikuti
  • 2 Daftar
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Seyma Soylu
13 tempat yang diperbarui
13 tempat termasuk Çengelköy Tarihi Çınaraltı Çay Bahçesi, Çengelköy, İskele Çınaraltı Aile Çay Bahçesi, Çengelköy Tarihi Çınaraltı Çay Bahçesi
Seyma Soylu
0 tempat yang diperbarui
0 tempat
    "Chocolate Heaven! You can smell the chocolate before you even walk though the door. Really recommend this chocolate store. Fantastic chocolates with friendly and pretty ambience, and great service."
    Seyma SoyluSeyma Soylu · Agustus 3, 2014
    Toko Coklat
    · Kadıköy, Turki