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Palermo, Italia
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Kota Teratas Sicily Tourism
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Sicily Tourism
11 tempat yang diperbarui Agustus 26, 2011
11 tempat termasuk Cappella Palatina, Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore, Chiesa Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire, Palazzo dei Normanni
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    "If you want know more about The Cuba you could read our article:"
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · April 11, 2012
    Museum Sejarah
    · Palermo, Italia
    "Wonderful marine reserve. You need to pay a fee to enter, but the sea is really amazing!"
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · April 6, 2012
    Mercu Suar
    · Palermo, Italia
    "Built in 1307 by Giovanni Chiaromonte, has significant example of architecture of the XIV century.Hold the painting "The Vucciria" of Guttuso."
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · Agustus 26, 2011
    · Palermo, Italia
    "Built adjacent to the monastery founded by the Dominican Sisters of the '300. The structure has a single nave, typical age of the Counter-Reformation."
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · Agustus 26, 2011
    "Know as "Piazza della Vergogna", nickname suggested by the naked statues on the square. In the center of this square there is the Pretoria Fountain."
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · Agustus 26, 2011
    Situs Bersejarah dan Dilindungi
    · Palermo, Italia
    "An ancient monastery of the order of basilian sister. Built by Roberto il Guiscardo, famous for its link whit Costanza d'Altavilla, mother of Federico II"
    Sicily TourismSicily Tourism · Agustus 26, 2011
    · Palermo, Italia