Thomas Defise

Thomas Defise


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Kota Teratas Thomas
5 Daftar Dibuat · 62 Tips
2 Daftar Dibuat · 27 Tips
1 Daftar Dibuat · 21 Tips
2 Daftar Dibuat · 19 Tips
2 Daftar Dibuat · 8 Tips
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1 Daftar Dibuat · 6 Tips
The Hague
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Daftar Terbaru Thomas
Thomas Defise
16 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 6, 2023
16 tempat termasuk Arco del Triunfo, Parc de la Ciutadella, Rambla de Catalunya, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)
Thomas Defise
3 tempat yang diperbarui Juni 22, 2022
3 tempat termasuk Hommus, La Pizzaccia, Ô Brazil
Thomas Defise
11 tempat yang diperbarui Juni 8, 2022
11 tempat termasuk Place d'Armes, Pont Adolphe, Chemin de la Corniche, Gëlle Fra
Thomas Defise
22 tempat yang diperbarui Juli 16, 2022
22 tempat termasuk Place du Corbeau, Parco Villa Olmo, Basilica di San Fedele, Piazza del Duomo
Thomas Defise
15 tempat yang diperbarui Juni 4, 2022
15 tempat termasuk Christiansborg Slot, Frederiksberg Have, Pluto, Nyhavn
Thomas Defise
23 tempat yang diperbarui November 9, 2021
23 tempat termasuk Erechtheion, Plaka, Feyrouz, Latraac
    Tips Terbaru Thomas
    "One of the oldest building in Amsterdam (Built in 1620).It is one of the few Amsterdam guild houses that have been preserved, and one of the few remaining detached buildings in the old town."
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    · Amsterdam, Belanda
    "Street well decorated with a lot of plants and flowers"
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    · Amsterdam, Belanda
    "Hidden gem within Amsterdam.You need to find the entry for visitors, as most entry on Google Map or similar application list also the entries for local leaving there."
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    Situs Bersejarah dan Dilindungi
    · Amsterdam, Belanda
    "Right next to the « Spinoza Monument », you can find this other monument.This Memorial commemorates the Jewish resistance during the Second World War."
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    Situs Bersejarah dan Dilindungi
    · Amsterdam, Belanda
    "Nice statue of Barush (de) Spinoza which was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish origin"
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    Seni Pahat Luar Ruangan
    · Amsterdam, Belanda
    "Small memorial monument located in an « usual » parc.If you are around, why not pass by, but from my own perspective, it’s not a must-see"
    Thomas DefiseThomas Defise · Agustus 8, 2022
    Situs Peringatan
    · Amsterdam, Belanda