Lihat apa kata teman kamu tentang Bend Public Library.
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- Before buying a book, renting a movie, or downloading an MP3, search to see if the library has your title. Reserve a book/movie/cd online and pick them up on the hold shelf. Baca selanjutnyaSuara positifSuara negatif
- If the library doesn't have the book you want, check with inter-library loan upstairs. They can get it from another library.Suara positif1Suara negatif
- Sami FournierMaret 17, 2010Come to a free session on bike commuting on March 30th at 6pm! Map routes, get a biking mentor, learn about Bend's Community Bike Shed.Suara positifSuara negatif
- The computers will automatically extend yr time.Suara positif2Suara negatif