VELA digital

VELA digital


VELA digital is a modern, innovative company that provides 4 major type of services: Web Design, Mobile Apps, Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing. The company’s name comes from ancient Greek mythology; VELA was the name of the sails of “Argo”, which was Jason's legendary ship during the Argonautic expedition. VELA digital was founded during difficult times. In times where both companies & professionals are struggling to answer the great and hard-to-solve "puzzle" of creating a solid corporate image, integrating new technologies and promoting this image effectively, in order to achieve not only short-term survival but also log-term growth. We created VELA digital when we were absolutely certain that our team will stand out in the crowd because of our solid plan, our vision and expertise. The 3 main principles on which we are founded are: Professionalism, Consistency, Sincerity. In VELA digital... We Love What We Do!!!

Piraeus, Greece
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