2 Daftar Dibuat · 16 Tips
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1 Daftar Dibuat · 2 Tips
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Lihat semua daftar di Sorong 9 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 4, 2012
9 tempat termasuk Kantin Pertamina Pejambon, Warung Lela (Wale), D'fest of Kemang, TIS (Tebet Indraya Square)
5 tempat yang diperbarui Desember 4, 2012
5 tempat termasuk Kantin Pertamina Pejambon, Warteg Warmo, SOCIAL HOUSE, Bandar Udara Amsterdam Schiphol
3 tempat yang diperbarui
3 tempat termasuk Sudirman Park Apartment Tower A, Pantai Base-G, R & D Pertamina
4 tempat yang diperbarui
4 tempat termasuk Kakbah, Martabak Bangka Assen, Patra jasa beach ressort, The Royale Krakatau Hotel
Daftar Zorro Daftar Buatan Zorro Daftar yang Diikuti Zorro
"The signed said from 08.00-22.00 infact they didnt open for 3 days"
"Recomended villa and hotel to stay with your family"
"If you buy some food from outside, if you need plates or bowl the hotel will charge you as a rent..Such"
· Anyer Kidul, Indonesia
"Klo mau pinjem piring ternyata harus sewa piring..pdhl khan resort dan villa"
· Anyer Kidul, Indonesia
"I think this hotel or motel worth with the price and what we paid. Wifi still ok. No breakfast just tea or coffe . It worth with the IDR 200k / night. Look at my picture, the server deliver for breads "
· Tanjung Pandan, Indonesia
"Garuda lounge at this airport is awfull dan not representated compared to GA lounge in Jayapura"