Best place to work out in the area. All the equipment you could possibly need, great class schedule and friendly staff. If you have kids you can’t beat the value of Kid’s Club.
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Cleanest facilities.The staff is also extremely friendly.Seems like they got something for everyone.Price is higher than most gyms,but you get what you pay for(I've been at those other "big box" gyms)
Really nice place. If you are in town for a bit, be sure to ask about the Week Pass. $69 which is cheaper than paying per day! Took a CoreYoga class and it was great!!
Looking for a personal trainer? Your search is over! Call Kevin today! He'll help you meet your goals and you'll have fun doing it. Trust me: no regrets! What are you waiting for?
Getting back to the gym, new to running/resistance training/training for an event/etc. Or want to help yourself get in better shape. Get a personal trainer. FFC has great ones!
You're paying for convenience for the cafe food.Few items can be bought next door at GNC cheaper or even Whole Foods. $2.25 for 2 hard boiled eggs!? price is NOT competitive, just really overpriced.