The place is great, worth visiting even if you are not traveling, the architecture is beyond amazing, watch out your pockets and handbags as there is a lot of pick pockets happening around there
fast train tickets to main destinations in Italy can be bought via app Prontotreno (Android + iPhone) in 2 steps. the time you saved you can spend sipping nice espresso. basically in every cafeteria.
Amazing architecture, a must visit when in Milan. Pity that, in terms of services, it's the definition of chaos and lack of consideration towards the passengers: being screwed and paying for it.
Io sono dell'idea che manchi un supermercato in Centrale! A Garibaldi almeno c'è un piccolo Unes; per chi passa del tempo ad aspettare risulta molto utile arrivare a casa con un minimo di spesa fatta!
You are now at one of the most beautiful railway stations in Europe. It was built in 1864. Don’t forget that suburb lines are marked with ‘S’, while the regional ones with ‘R’.
Inaugurata nel 1931, restaurata e riqualificata di recente, la Stazione merita una visita. Cercate i migliori elementi di decorazione: le chimere, i mosaici, i tanti fregi e la fontana all'esterno.
Beautiful station. Can get busy so make sure to add some time before your departure. If you've booked online and have a PNR you don't need printed tickets. Head to a cafe and grab some espresso.
Trenitalia скоростные поезда, которые ездят по всей Италии. Дорога из Милана в Рим занимакет 3ч. Берите бизнес класс, wi fi, чай/кофе/вино, сиденья с элетроприводом. Хорошего путешествия ;)
Estação de trem mais monumental que já vi. Linda e equipada com uma extensa área de serviços. Dica: se for comprar SimCARD vá na loja da TIM e peça o plano só internet de €20,00. Vale a pena.
Билеты можно купить что внизу,наверху у платформ,где поезда. Самые час пики до и после работы, примерно с 8-10 утра и с 18-20 вечером. Уехать можно даже в Цюрих, Сицилию,Пизу,Ром, Турин...хоть куда!
A estação de Milano Centrale tem uma puta estrutura grande e bonita, bem servida de lojas e restaurantes. É uma das melhores estações em que eu estive na Itália.
Uma belíssima estação! Enorme! Dica: banheiro no Mac Donalds. Pague 10 euros para acessar a sala vip da Italo. Vale muito a pena! Café, água, snacks, jornais, banheiro e vista das plataformas!
Ne büyük bir tren istasyonu! Çok güzel, büyük, sistemli ve şık bir yer. Kalabalık ama nereye gideceğinizi havaalanlarındaki gibi panolardan rahatlıkla görüyorsunuz.
Malpensa Express leaves from platform 1 or 2. It’s obvious if you know it but the platform number is omitted on the giant departure displays in the main hall - probably to confuse first time users!??
Merkezi Tren istasyonu.Biletlerinizi aldıktan sonra mutlaka trene yakın noktalardaki sarı cihazlardan valid ettirmeyi unutmayın sık sık kontrol oluyor.
Get your train to across the country, make sure you get the fast one instead the normal one. Get the first class! this is the most efficient way to travel across Europe. Venezia just 2 hr away
Für den Kopfbahnhof Stazione di Milano Centrale legte König Vittorio Emanuele III. persönlich den Grundstein im Jahr 1906 – 1931 wurde das Gebäude in Mailand (Italien) aber erst offiziell eingeweiht.
Nostalgia del futuro? Da qui partì l'ultimo viaggio di Adriano Olivetti, il 27 febbraio 1960. Riscopriamo e ispiriamoci alle sue idee per costruire un futuro più luminoso.
La estación es hermosa, además de ser muy grande. Los lugares de espera no son nada cómodos/ the train station is beautiful and huge. But the waiting places aren't that comfortable.
Beeindruckender und großer Bahnhof! Im Untergeschoss (Mitte) ist ein Supermarkt. Die Getränke sind dort mega günstig. An den Verkaufsstellen zahlt man das dreifache!
Huge station ! You will find several restaurants and cafes and stores. When you enter the trains area through the gate you will find Spontini pizza🍕! a great meal on the train too.
Amazing architecture with a clear Roman influence. The ticket machines warn you of pickpockets but people still try to scam you by trying to tell you that you're doing the wrong thing. WiFi is scarce.
Beautiful station. Art Deco style (with some facist elements sadly). Main train station of Milan. Various types of services, from commuter to high speed national.
If you need ticket assistance, say because your train was late and you missed your transfer, the customer service area is 2 floors down from the track level.
If you are going to visit the city go to any newspaper corner and buy a daily ticket (around 4€) it's worth much more than ordinary ticket (1,5€) and you can travel in the entire city for free. Enjoy!
A good percentage of the stops don't have an elevator ans escalator or the lift is out of order so get prepared to carry your luggage down multiple staircases. Come early so you can be prepared.
È la principale stazione milanese e la seconda per importanza in Italia. Da qui partono treni per tutte le destinazioni, sia italiane sia internazionali.
Beautiful architecture and a lot of cafes and restaurants to dine at, however, as a tourist, make sure you get familiar with the station as the signs are often confusing.
ha mejorado algo en los últimos 5 años pero todavía mucho por hacer. Y por supuesto refugio de decenas de sin techo y de unos cuantos delincuentes y carteristas ...
Beautiful railway station, over 100 shops. Biggest Feltrinelli bookstore in Italy. Good breakfast at Autogrill Cafè at -1 floor. Saturn is big and located in a charming old fashioned place.
Экспресс до аэропорта Мальпенса обычно отправляется от платформы №3. Платформа расположена в левой стороне вокзала. На то, чтобы добраться до платформы со станции метро, закладывайте не менее 10 мин.!