Orang-orang cenderung check-in di jam-jam ini:
Metrpolitan Apartments
Apartemen atau Kondominium
315 W 5th St (Broadway)
WCAB Los Angeles
Gedung Pengadilan
320 W 4th St (Broadway)
Sally's Snack Shop
Warung Kopi · $
226 W 6th St (Broadway)
"Ham, egg, and cheese on white bread with avocado is delicious."
Caltrans District 7
100 S Main St (1st Street)
"Stop by tray for a bite to eat."
County of Los Angeles, Hall of Administration
500 W Temple St (btw Hill St & Grand Ave)
"The Starbucks out front sells coffee, but not your regular cuppa joe. Jazz things up with a newfangled mix of milk, coffee and flavor: it's called a latte, and it'll change your life."
Ronald Reagan State Building
300 S Spring St
"Wednesday is Seafood Burrito day in the cafeteria."
Grand Central Market
317 S Broadway (btwn 3rd & 4th St)
"colorful, beautiful, loads of cheap tasty food! sit by and watch the world go by..."
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