The thermal springs of Loutraki were famous from Antiquity, when the city was called Thermai, in honor of Thermia Artemis. Did you konw that the first Casino in Greece was established here in 1928? Baca selanjutnya
Beautiful seasidecity. Don't miss the waterfall and the community bikes for just 1 €. There's also a big casino if you're interested in gambling! Many spots to sit with a view of the sea! 🌴🏊
Τυπική λουτροπολη που έκανε καρριερα την δεκαετία του 60, 70 και αρχές του 80. Ακόμα πολυσυχναστη καθώς είναι κοντά στην Αθήνα από άτομα μεγάλης ηλικίας. Αν δεν πρόσεξει θα μετατραπεί σε βοθρος Ρώσων.