Pasta with Seafood, shrimps, mussels, calamari and crabs was outstanding. Just go for it ;) Deniz Ürünleri ile ( Karides, midye, kalamar ve Yengec ) zenginlestirilmis Makarna lezizdi. Deneyin. Makarna
It seems at first look touristy- but you won't regret it (reserve a table) - the food is wonderful- try the gnocchi with lobster &fresh peas or the the ravioli... And creamy raspberrychocolate desert
The location is super. The food and staff is good. Make sure that you do not order anything outside the menu since it will be definitely expensive.Also they charge $5 to split the salad in two plates
Starterlarda fried calamari cok basarili, ayni sekilde sesame shrimp buranin favorisi. Ana yemeklerde filet mignon cok lezzetli. Yolunuz duserse 208 Rodeo'da mutlaka yiyin. Tatli icin de yer ayirin!!
Great al fresco dining, but windy and chilly after 3 pm, even on hot days -- bring a sweater. The Thai steak salad is delish; finish off your meal with the white chocolate cheesecake.
I ordered the lobstergnocchi and the waiter asked me if I wanna add black truffles without telling me that it was an extra $40 charge, so be careful ordering something that is not on the menu!!