Pemberitahuan Penting:Kami telah membuat keputusan berat untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada aplikasi mobile Panduan Kota Foursquare, efektif 15 Desember 2024, dengan versi web yang akan diikuti pada awal 2025. Kunjungi FAQ kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau untuk mengunduh aplikasi Swarm kami.
Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi · Bilk · 4 tips dan ulasan
adastra: This is probably the least space-efficient building on campus, but it does have lots of desks to study at - some even with outlets and desk lamps.
adastra: This library has a back room which is great for studying - if you're lucky. Sometimes the people in the reading corner can be a little too chatty.
adastra: Though this library has plenty of workspaces, it seems nearly impossible to claim one. It's incredibly crowded, therefore also somewhat noisy.