Vue Bar is one of Shanghai.

1. Vue Bar

Hyatt on the Bund (at Wuchang Rd), Shanghai, 上海市
Bar Hotel · Tílán qiáo · 85 tips dan ulasan
Flair is one of Shanghai.

2. Flair

8 Century Ave | 世纪大道8号 (58/F The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong), Pudong, 上海市
Bar Hotel · 58 tips dan ulasan
100 Century Avenue Restaurant | 世纪100 is one of Shanghai.

3. 100 Century Avenue Restaurant | 世纪100

世纪大道100号 | 100 Century Ave. (上海环球金融中心91楼 | 91F Shanghai World Financial Center), 浦东, 上海市
Restoran Amerika · 20 tips dan ulasan