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Chicken Express

Chicken Express

(Sekarang Tutup)
Rumah Makan Fried Chicken$$$$
Foto6 Foto
Michelle B.
Michelle B.
November 16, 2013
Foto diambil di Chicken Express oleh Michelle B. pada 11/16/2013
The idiots working this drive through are two shades worse than DMV employes! Bring a snack for your wait!
Jane B.
Jane B.
Agustus 25, 2013
The idiots working this drive through are two shades worse than DMV employes!  Bring a snack for your wait!
Samuel B.
Samuel B.
Februari 8, 2013
Foto diambil di Chicken Express oleh Samuel B. pada 2/8/2013
Best tenders around. Delicious gravy & yummy rolls as well.
Adriel Joy T.
Adriel Joy T.
Oktober 31, 2012
Best tenders around. Delicious gravy & yummy rolls as well.
Alaina P.
Alaina P.
Agustus 27, 2012
Foto diambil di Chicken Express oleh Alaina P. pada 8/27/2012
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