Berikut beberapa tips populer di Eindhoven. Pilih selera untuk melihat lainnya:

Foursquare membantu kamu menemukan tempat bagus di Eindhoven untuk dikunjungi bersama teman:

  • 8.9

    Gastropub d'n Hertog

    Gastropub Stationsplein 16 Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (17 tips):

    • Roel C.
      Roel Cobben: "Drink one (or two) good beers and enjoy the delicious food for a reasonable price."
  • 9.0


    Teater Theaterpad 1 Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (20 tips):

    • Rob v.
      Rob van Stratum: "don't forget to book a bar arrangement for the break, they give you good wine and tapas on a reserved table"
  • Orang-orang juga mengatakan (5 tips):

    • Zeno K.
      Zeno Kapitein: "Very cozy, home-y atmosphere. A good place to have a pretty fancy dinner or drink a few beers with friends."
  • 9.1

    Philips de Jonghpark

    Taman Bezuidenhoutseweg Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (5 tips):

    • Pinar S.
      Pinar S.: "A perfect park to walk. During summer many festivals are here."
  • 8.8

    DENF Coffee

    Warung Kopi Clausplein Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (11 tips):

    • Bengisu U.
      Bengisu Urlu: "Great place to chill, relax or study, work 👌🏼"
  • Orang-orang juga mengatakan (14 tips):

    • Dave H.
      Dave Hakkens: "This is the tea after dinner. Food was so great I went all in and forgot to take a picture. Thai food all the way."

Orang-orang membicarakan tempat-tempat ini di Eindhoven:

  • 8.8

    The Happiness Café

    Kafe Nieuwe Emmasingel 9 Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (17 tips):

    • Johnny K.
      Johnny Koutiolas: "Big variety of vegan, gluten free and allergy friendly stuff. Big portions and reasonable prices. I had the vg tuna burger and it was very tasty. Totally recommended."
    • Mariska D.
      Mariska De G: "Lekker en zowel lactosevrij als vegan, vega of gewoon gezond! Ontbijt, lunch en lekkere meeneemsnackjes. Wel een beetje prijzig..."
  • 8.9


    Restoran Italia Kleine Berg 67a Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (51 tips):

    • Dora✌️
      Dora✌️: "Great Italian restaurant! Food is super tasty! Ideal for dates!great vegetarians options! Go for the vegetarian cannelloni!!"
    • Do v.
      Do van Rijn: "Nice oysters, you can order the piece. Had good pastas, beyond the average Dutch-taste styled Italian restaurant quality."
  • 9.1

    IJssportcentrum Eindhoven

    Arena Skating Antoon Coolenlaan 3 Eindhoven, Brabant Utara

    Orang-orang juga mengatakan (6 tips):

    • Corné A.
      Corné Aarden: "Great iceskating place while decorated in the so special Christmas atmosphere. This year in the middle also a Kermis. Kids loved it."
    • Antoniomedia S.
      Antoniomedia Sandiford: "First Hockey game ever! It is #Awesome #Tip check it out, if you haven't ever before!"

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