Katanya mah konsepnya 'french patisserie'. The shop is strikingly so cute. Try the oreo cheese cake! Maccaroon nya enak. Suka teksturnya padat-crunchy. Yum! But overall this shop is a bit overrated..
Charlie brown is my fave one, flabby chocolatesponge cake covered with rich dark chocolate not too much chocolate so you can feel the cake. recommended !! 😘😋
The service here is terrible. Me and my friend was on the waiting list for an hour and a half! But it was worth it because of the great design and tasty cakes and teas. 3 stars for this place! :)
Nyobain bitter sweet love and raspberry velvet...dangerously delicious....yg bunny love carrot kata bos bule gw "excellent"...tempatnya jg keren and lot of super cute stuff...!!
Kalo mau dine in harus ngantri lumayan panjang karena selalu rame. Overall, tempatnya comfy, mini cakesnya enak-enak. Worth it lah ngantri panjang demi sepotong cake disini ♥
Selalu keabisan hazel nutcracker yg ktnya bestseller. Panacotta & yg rasa coklat-teh enak (lupa namanya). Sugar daddy nya jg. Gak suka bittersweet, pie nya keras. Konsep overall nya cute bgt!
cutest place, pretty decent desserts, but SUPER crowded - not comfy at all. maybe it's better to wait till the hype dies down a bit before paying a visit, otherwise your experience won't be enjoyable.
Yang cuma mau takeaway/cuma sebentar susah parkirnya, tetap harus valet atau kalo mauparkir cari parkir tempat lain. Valetnya gak terampil, ngeluarin mobil >15-20menit dari parkiran valetnya sendiri.