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Go Green! East Lansing Faves
Golden Harvest is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

1. Golden Harvest

1625 Turner St (at Dwight St.), Lansing, MI
Tempat Sarapan · 87 tips dan ulasan
Sparty's Coney Island is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

2. Sparty's Coney Island

300 N Clippert St (in Frandor), Lansing, MI
Tempat Sarapan · 24 tips dan ulasan
Grand Traverse Pie Co is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

3. Grand Traverse Pie Co

200 S Washington Sq, Lansing, MI
Toko Roti · 17 tips dan ulasan
Hannah's Koney Island is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

4. Hannah's Koney Island

4790 S Hagadorn Rd, East Lansing, MI
Rumah Makan · 12 tips dan ulasan
Red Cedar Cafe is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

5. Red Cedar Cafe

1331 E Grand River Ave (Hagadorn), East Lansing, MI
Warung Kopi · 17 tips dan ulasan
Grand Traverse Pie Co is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

6. Grand Traverse Pie Co

1403 E Grand River Ave, East Lansing, MI
Toko Roti · 35 tips dan ulasan
The State Room is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

7. The State Room

in Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing, MI
Restoran · Michigan State University · 13 tips dan ulasan
BIGGBY COFFEE is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.


3499 E Lake Lansing Rd (at Abbot), East Lansing, MI
Warung Kopi · 18 tips dan ulasan
Espresso Royale is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

9. Espresso Royale

1500 W Lake Lansing Rd (at Coolidge Rd.), East Lansing, MI
Warung Kopi · 15 tips dan ulasan
The Purple Carrot Truck is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

10. The Purple Carrot Truck

4660 S Hagadorn Rd (Btwn Service & Mt Hope), East Lansing, MI
Truk Makanan · 14 tips dan ulasan
Sansu Sushi is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

11. Sansu Sushi

4750 S Hagadorn Rd (in Hannah Plaza), East Lansing, MI
Restoran Sushi · 37 tips dan ulasan
No Thai! is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

12. No Thai!

403 E Grand River Ave (at Charles St.), East Lansing, MI
Restoran Thailand · 17 tips dan ulasan
Harrison Roadhouse is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

13. Harrison Roadhouse

720 Michigan Ave (at Harrison), East Lansing, MI
Bar Olahraga · 30 tips dan ulasan
MSU Dairy Store is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

14. MSU Dairy Store

1140 S. Anthony Hall, East Lansing, MI
Kios Es Krim · Michigan State University · 58 tips dan ulasan
HopCat is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

15. HopCat

300 Grove St (at Albert Ave), East Lansing, MI
Taman Bir · 103 tips dan ulasan
Ellison Brewery + Spirits is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

16. Ellison Brewery + Spirits

4903 Dawn Ave, East Lansing, MI
Tempat Pembuatan Bir · 8 tips dan ulasan
Black Cat Bistro is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

17. Black Cat Bistro

115 Albert Ave (Abbot), East Lansing, MI
Bistro · 12 tips dan ulasan
Beggar's Banquet is one of Go Green! East Lansing Faves.

18. Beggar's Banquet

218 Abbot Rd (btwn Albert & Grand River), East Lansing, MI
Restoran · 49 tips dan ulasan