Northfield's Greatest Hits
Chapati Indian Restaurant is one of Northfield's Greatest Hits.

1. Chapati Indian Restaurant

214 Division St S (at 3rd inside Archer House), Northfield, MN
Restoran India · 9 tips dan ulasan

dban Testdban Test: The classier of Northfield's 2 Indian joints, solid food w/ a side of extra relaxed service

The Contented Cow Pub and Wine Bar is one of Northfield's Greatest Hits.

2. The Contented Cow Pub and Wine Bar

302B Division St S (at 3rd St E), Northfield, MN
Pub · 13 tips dan ulasan
Goodbye Blue Monday Coffeehouse is one of Northfield's Greatest Hits.

3. Goodbye Blue Monday Coffeehouse

319 Division St S (btw 3rd & 4th), Northfield, MN
Warung Kopi · 17 tips dan ulasan
J Grundy's Rueb 'n' Stein is one of Northfield's Greatest Hits.

4. J Grundy's Rueb 'n' Stein

503 Division St S, Northfield, MN
Restoran Amerika · 12 tips dan ulasan
Kurry Kabab is one of Northfield's Greatest Hits.

5. Kurry Kabab

2018 Jefferson Rd (btw Hwy 3 &Jefferson), Northfield, MN
Restoran India · 5 tips dan ulasan

dban Testdban Test: Sure, it's in a strip mall - but this is the best Indian food in town. Epic Lunch Buffet.