Entrance door broken (first impression counts). Inside looking empty these days compared to Usce although shops are still good. Free wifi is excellent.
About 30.000 m² of retail & entertainment area,Delta City was elected as d best shopping mall in Europe in 2009.For sure,this reward promises that U won't 4get shopping experience in this mall.
Delta City is usually a lot busy,but they have tons of stores,if you're looking for something better go to "UŠĆE",all though it's a little bit farther away it's really better.
Second largest mall I believe, with 3 floors. Devote at least 3-4 hours if you're going on a shopping spree. Lots of nice cafes to sit in. Smoking not allowed inside. Worst staff in Pull and Bear.
Sve je nasminkano i svi su nasmejani vestacki jer ih je "zabavni" zapad tako naucio kroz decenijske lekcije "kako zabaviti narod i uzeti pare"... I uspeva im... Osecas se prijatno
Prvi pravi šoping-mol u Srbiji još od svog otvaranja predstavlja... glavno odredište onih koji žele da gradsku vrevu zamene uživanjem.(Tampilkan lebih banyak)