Discovery Times Square

Discovery Times Square

(Sekarang Tutup)
Museum dan Museum Sejarah
Theater District, New York City
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  • John T.
    John ThrasherJanuari 13, 2013
    Harry Potter Exhibition is a must-see for even a casual Harry Potter fan. Get up close to the horcruxes and deathly hallows. Get sorted by the Sorting Hat. Excellent exhibit.
  • Moe F.
    Moe FerraraJuli 20, 2014
    the Avengers STATION is almost more for the 30s crowd than the kids. A lot of fun, though be prepared for lines for some aspects of the exhibit. Well worth the money and a must-see for Marvel fans!!
  • Time Out New York
    Time Out New YorkDesember 17, 2015
    In honor of the new Star Wars movie, come out to the Star Wars and the Power of Costume: The Exhibition for more than 70 preserved original costumes from the first two Star Wars trilogies. $27. Baca selanjutnya
  • Blanca A.
    Blanca AcevedoJuni 18, 2014
    Check out the costumes and interactive exhibits from the Marvel films and the TV show "Marvel's Agents OF S.H.I.E.LD". Captain America and Iron Man were my favorites!
  • Salwa K.
    Salwa KhanDesember 18, 2012
    Saw the Harry Potter film exhibition. Really neat if you love Harry potter--lots of original costumes and props from the movie. Not necessarily worth the $30 entrance fee if you're not a die hard fan
  • Andres C.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Andres CalderonSeptember 2, 2014
    We saw the avengers station exhibit and we liked it a lot. Especially the hulk and iron man exhibit.
  • Lisa V.
    Lisa VignaFebruari 21, 2012
    Always interesting exhibits! Saw Harry Potter over the summer. Going to see the CSI tonite and the Dead Sea Scrolls before April 15. FYI: Cake Boss bakery on lower level near souvenirs is a must try!
  • Claire
    ClaireJanuari 20, 2013
    Its worth spending the $7 on the audio tour but buy stuff online, not the gift shop. The markup is mind blowing. $180 for a book that's $45 online. No photos rule ruins some fun, but a good exhibit.
  • Mitchell L.
    Mitchell LivingstonDesember 6, 2015
    The Star Wars costume exhibit is impressive enough to almost make you forgive the prequels.
  • Dave
    DaveSeptember 14, 2010
    Just went to the King Tut Exhibit with my family and it was amazing!! I'm not sure how the people below can even compare this exhibit to the Met, this is the only one with artifacts from his tomb!
  • Jason F.
    Jason FlattJuni 16, 2013
    Lego exhibit so awesome. A bit short but so worth it for the kid in you. Look at them from different angles and distances
  • Carmen C.
    Carmen CJanuari 27, 2011
    The King Tut exhibit is well worth the visit. The exhibit provides a myriad of treasures of the late King, from big ones to small ones. I was shocked at the amount of time I actually spent in there.
  • Bradley C.
    Bradley CarterJanuari 1, 2012
    Check out the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition while it's around, but be sure to block off about two hours for it. It takes a while to see everything with the crowd.
  • Erik C.
    Erik CintronJanuari 6, 2011
    this exhibit is here for a limited time and it was maze of mystery and awesome artifacts from b.c. Times and the music and layout made u feel like u were in those took 1 1/2 to get through
  • Sharon B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Sharon B.Agustus 9, 2014
    The Marvel Avengers exhibit was awesome! I shall go again sometime soon. Loved it!
  • Tamara D.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Tamara DMaret 16, 2016
    Great place for a fun thing to do on the weekend. Try groupon for a deal.
  • Natalie M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Natalie MJuli 31, 2015
    The hunger games exhibit is sooo much better then the avengers one. Go for the hunger games if you have to pick one!
  • Walter F. R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Walter F. RodriguezOktober 28, 2012
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    I'm working as the Head Artifact Handler here for the Harry Potter Exhibition and it is an amazing experience! Come check it out. :)
  • Erika A.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Erika ArreaJuli 13, 2016
    Star wars exhibition! Kids had a good time! Not an interactive atraction!
  • Anyuli G.
    Anyuli GuevaraSeptember 4, 2013
    It's an amazing exhibition, no words, perfect.
  • Dora
    DoraJuli 21, 2010
    Check out kid-friendly exhibits (like King Tut NYC) right in Times Square. Reserve tickets to avoid long lines, and eat before you enter – no food or drink is allowed. Powered by
  • Sandra R.
    Sandra RMei 31, 2013
    Their exhibits beat other nyc museums anyway plus they sometimes have specials on tickets
  • Lindsey C.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lindsey CollinsJuli 12, 2015
    Body works was very interesting! A learning experience for the entire family!
  • Nicholas R.
    Nicholas RMei 28, 2011
    Harry Potter is cool for major fanatics, but it's also very touristy! Pompeii keeps the tourists (albeit less than Potter), but offers a more fulfilling experience.
  • Kayleigh S.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Kayleigh SaccoJuli 23, 2015
    If you are a Hunger Games fan, the exhibit at DTS is a must.
  • Jason B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Jason BrewDesember 30, 2015
    Check out the Star Wars Power of Costume exhibit while it lasts
  • Ashley A.
    Ashley AvolaJuli 27, 2013
    The Art of the Brick exhibit is so amazing to see, but very short. I'm not sure it's worth $22.
  • Marissa B.
    Marissa BJuli 16, 2011
    Harry Potter was short, but cool if you are a fan. Muggles would probably be bored. Crowded though. Don't feel you have walk in line among the other lemmings. Pompeii was great! Combo tix save $.
  • Ricardo L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Ricardo LucianoJanuari 4, 2016
    The Star Wars Exhibit is great! Make sure you get on time!
  • Walter F. R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Walter F. RodriguezApril 16, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    You ever have one of those days where you're forced to deal with a giant spider, a centaur, and a phoenix? Today is one of those days.
  • Paola V.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Paola ValderramaDesember 22, 2014
    Aunq la exposición de bodys es buena, es mucho más divertida la de ironman
  • Michelle O.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Michelle OrdazDesember 18, 2014
    Mmm, para mis gustos es normal. De todas formas vale la pena visitarlo.
  • Ahmad M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Ahmad MesawaMei 21, 2013
    Mind blowing exhibit "Body World's" is phenomenon.
  • ◎expikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    ◎expFebruari 1, 2016
    Star Wars and the Power of Costume Exhibition
    THIRTEENNovember 25, 2011
    THIRTEEN members receive 15% off tickets to Pompeii The Exhibit: Life and Death in the Shadow of Vesuvius. Members use code PBSPTE when ordering tickets. Restrictions apply. Baca selanjutnya
  • Daniela S.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Daniela SocorroApril 12, 2016
    Está la exposición de trajes de Star Wars: imperdible!!!
  • Larry R.
    Larry RubinJuni 4, 2012
    Try the laser room and try to dodge the beams; then take your spy picture right outside of it!
  • Emily R.
    Emily RossSeptember 14, 2010
    The King Tut Exhibit was fascinating! So beautifully presented and well done. Looking forward to more exhibits at Discovery TSX!
  • TC C.
    TC ConwayJanuari 16, 2014
    Step back in time and relive the Klondike gold rush!
  • Nicole H.
    Nicole HenningerJuli 11, 2011
    Pompeii was definitely worth the money for those who will never see the real city. Harry Potter was overly crowded and shorter than expected, but was ok. I don't know if I'd do the HP exhibit again.
  • Nika G.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Nika GSeptember 21, 2015
    Музей-все есть в интернете. Выставка "голодных игр"- для фанатов. Пустая трата времени.
  • Michael F.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Michael Fox-RabinovitzFebruari 11, 2016
    Went to see the Vikings exhibition, pretty comprehensive as a history overview, just not terribly engaging or exciting
  • Tara L.
    Tara LewisNovember 27, 2014
    Great food . Kitchen open till 2am. Lifesaver!
  • Andre R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Andre Rocher 📱Juli 14, 2015
    Bodies. Very interesting exposition.
  • Bryan H.
    Bryan HealyDesember 31, 2010
    A great can't take photos and no backpacks, strollers and shopping bags are allowed. Here in NYC through the middle of January
  • Lily J.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lily JungJuli 7, 2016
    The Hunger Games exhibit was good if you have seen the movies. It was mostly about the costumes.
  • chrissy s.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    chrissy spazianoJuli 6, 2014
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Excellent !
  • Michael C.
    Michael CollinsSeptember 14, 2010
    Had such a great time at the exhibit with my friends & fam. Traveled all the way from Boston to go and it was well worth it!
  • Dana P.
    Dana ParkerJanuari 29, 2015
    Interesting exhibits, but kinda quiet on a Wednesday
  • Lucy A.
    Lucy AApril 23, 2011
    Harry Potter exhibit was awesome and fun for adults and kids. Not sure VIP package was worth the $
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