9 Tips dan ulasan
- kentang goreng
- burger
- layanan bagus
- autentik
- baik untuk santap cepat
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- Codi LynAgustus 21, 2015My Dad and I both got Reuben's and I made sure to get fries... TONS of them so that my side was easily split between us. Reuben wasn't crammed with meat, but definitely good proportions and delish.
- Denise JorrieSeptember 29, 2013One of the best restaurants in Fort Smith! Definitely one worth visiting! Good food, good atmosphere, and very reasonably priced. You get your money's worth.
- David MaestriJuli 31, 2013Cheeseburger or Gyro are the best here, plus a mountain of fries Zeus can't even handle!
- Lisa WellsJanuari 1, 2012Yummy feta hamburger and gravy fries before the mandatory January-filled salads! :)
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