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Harwood Arms

Harwood Arms

(Sekarang Tutup)
Foto8 Foto
Fast, friendly service and great prices! The chicken wings are delicious. Tried the party platter once w/ the boyfriend and had 2 containers of leftovers! Good place to get together after work.
Kait G.
Kait G.
April 24, 2013
Fast, friendly service and great prices! The chicken wings are delicious. Tried the party platter once w/ the boyfriend and had 2 containers of leftovers! Good place to get together after work.
Colin W.
Colin W.
November 11, 2012
Foto diambil di Harwood Arms oleh Colin W. pada 11/11/2012
Christella M.
Christella M.
November 11, 2012
Foto diambil di Harwood Arms oleh Christella M. pada 11/11/2012
Christella M.
Christella M.
Oktober 20, 2012
Foto diambil di Harwood Arms oleh Christella M. pada 10/20/2012
Colin W.
Colin W.
Oktober 20, 2012
Foto diambil di Harwood Arms oleh Colin W. pada 10/20/2012
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